Monday, September 5, 2011

Si Shyl

In the beginning, there was Thalios.  He was there before the beginning and apart from time.  He always has and always will exist.  Around him there was the Void.  It was an intangible darkness that embodied all that was nothing.  The Void was not evil, but neither did it make a suitable companion.  Thus, Thalios looked into himself and drew out a shining gem.  He called the gem Kaës and together, they dwelt in the heart of the Void. 

Though Kaës was in the Void, it did not become a part of the Void.  At Thalios’ touch, its many faces shone a light from within and became the beginning of the Birth.  The light pushed darkness aside and gave space for work.  Thalios reached into this empty space and created.  He is the Creator and Kaës is his helper.

With the influence of a thought, Thalios caused seas to rise and lands to be birthed.  All habitats from frozen tundra to lush forests to arid deserts were given the freedom to flourish.  With a single breath, clouds filled the air and winds danced through them.  Celestial bodies soon followed, their guiding light providing direction to those which were to come.  A brush of Thalios’ fingertips against water then gave rise to a multitude of marine life and a touch of his palm against the earth inspired animals of every type and nature to rise from the ground.  Thalios and Kaës saw the life and were well pleased.

Of the animals of the earth, Thalios had created one special.  He named him Talam and blessed him above the others.  To Talam was given the responsibility and authority to care for all that was created.  Thalios also gave him Maeira, a companion to help him with his new responsibilities.  As a further promise of his affection to Talam, Thalios finally entrusted him with Kaës, so that the gem might bind Thalios’ and Talam’s will as one.  

All this was accomplished in perfect time and, upon completion, Thalios and Kaës celebrated.  The Void, however, did not like the lack of attention.  It hated Kaës’ light and it hated Thalios for creating Kaës.  The Void became Darkness.  From Darkness came pride, lust, gluttony, avarice, acedia, wrath, and envy.  Darkness pressed against the light and looked to penetrate it.  However, the light was too strong and so Darkness sought another target.  Darkness saw Talam, the jewel of Thalios’ affection and the holder of Kaës.  Darkness descended upon Talam and called him his own.  He called him Talamféin and so started the war.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Vasadori - Will Not Be Forgotten

No one remembers who I am anymore. No one remembers my purpose and my life. I once was home to singing rivers, whispering forests, and strong mountains. I had faithful children and to them I gave my life. They become majestic beasts who roamed my lands, mythical creatures who swam my seas, and beautiful wings who flew through my skies. Those days are long gone and their existences are replaced by mere myths and legends: stories that have been warped so far from the truth that they might as well die. The usurpers spread lies about me and destroyed me.

I am Vasadori, and my history is hope. I liken myself to an onion, for each layer of story can only inspire an exponential growth of tears. It is no wonder that few search my depths, but I remember. I remember my beginning. If I still had a voice, I would tell you of the wonders of the Birth and the glories of the Rise. I would tell of you of the Twelve Kingdoms and of the Blessed Ones. But they forced my voice to silence and now they cannot find it again. They cannot hear my groaning and my pain. They cannot hear my children crying in their graves.

But my children will not be in pain forever.

"For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God."